

SHOFU Beautifil II Gingiva & Enamel

€48,54 + IVA
Product: GINGIVAL.
Color: GUM-LP (Rosa Chiaro)

Gingival masses and enamel masses

The two new components that complete the Beautifil line allow you to reproduce the “white and pink” aesthetic and create natural-looking restorations. The five mixable gingival masses allow you to create natural-looking soft tissues with a depth effect and invisible transition areas between the gum and the tooth. The four enamel masses are indicated for restorations in the anterior sector with high aesthetics. They allow you to easily create polychromatic restorations and perform invisible repairs of restorations and prostheses.

Beautifil II Gingiva

For the reproduction of gingival areas

  • These masses are indicated for recessions, exposed abutments and crown edges, root erosions and absent papillae.
  • Colors can be layered and mixed to achieve aesthetic solutions without any surgery.
  • Perfect for Class V restorations

Beautifil II Enamel

For direct restorations in the anterior sector

  • Polychromatic restorations thanks to the chameleon effect
  • An alternative to ceramic veneers
  • Creating highly aesthetic restorations by layering and mixing colors
  • Based on the colour concept of ceramics – for easy colour harmonisation

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