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Reox srl

K-Lite full set

€499,90 + IVA

Smile Line's K-Lite is a smart flashlight that helps dental professionals identify dental tissue, bacterial products and excess materials, all in one device, like nothing else on the market.

Manual instrument with ergonomic cordless casing, equipped with special handle. You can take it anywhere. K-Lite uses ultra-light microprocessors with efficiency greater than 95%, ensuring high precision of less than 1% and saving significant amounts of energy. Plus, it uses batteries made from recycled metals. Certified as a medical device according to the European standard EN-1639.

Most modern dental composites and resin adhesives are fluorescent due to their fluorophore content. Under certain illumination wavelengths (UV-A 395-400 nm), these materials can be distinguished from dental tissue. This significantly reduces the risk of damage to the teeth from iatrogenicity when it is necessary to remove them. The K-Lite is a revolutionary dental device that finds application in any appropriate dental discipline.

  • UV A wavelength: 395-400 nm
  • White LED light color temperature: 6000K


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