Courses 2024

Reox Loyalty Program Guide: How to Earn and Use Points

Reox offers an intuitive and advantageous loyalty program that allows you to accumulate points to obtain exclusive discounts and benefits. The program is designed to reward customers with attractive and...

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REOX | The Trusted Choice for Personalized Solutions and Human Service

REOX: The Trusted Choice for Personalized Solutions and Human Service Luca Nelli, a satisfied REOX customer, shares his experience and why he chooses this company. According to Nelli, what sets...

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Art Oral Day in Venice: when art meets dental technology

In the splendid setting of Venice, a city symbol of art and culture, Art Oral Day took place, a unique event dedicated to the world of dental technology. The event...

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REOX: Un partner strategico in grado di aumentare l'efficienza del tuo laboratorio

Perché Scegliere Reox come Partner Strategico per il Tuo Laboratorio Odontotecnico Nel competitivo settore odontotecnico, rimanere all'avanguardia richiede non solo competenze, ma anche investimenti intelligenti in tecnologia e partnership strategiche....

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INSIDE REOX | A reliable partner capable of guaranteeing high standards

In today's competitive business landscape, standing out through service excellence is critical. Reox embodies this principle, constantly striving to provide authentic value to its customers. Founded on the idea that...

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Linea zirconia Katana: materiali per la lavorazione CAD-CAM

Oggi vi parliamo della Zirconia Katana, una linea altamente innovativa che combina estetica, forza e versatilità, rivoluzionando il mondo dei restauri dentali. Dopo anni di studi approfonditi, la zirconia si...

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REOX: Il compagno di viaggio ideale per l'innovazione odontotecnica

Da Reox, abbiamo costruito la nostra reputazione nel corso degli anni attraverso un viaggio entusiasmante nel mondo della digitalizzazione odontotecnica. Ci siamo posti l'obiettivo di diventare un punto di riferimento...

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What they say about us: Fabio Vianello and the importance of a reliable partner

We are proud to be your trusted partner in the dental sector, always present with cutting-edge equipment and materials and constant support in crucial decisions and in solving daily problems....

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Innovation and Excellence in Dentistry with AFG by Alberto Battistelli

Introduction: Since 1991, the Reox company has stood out in providing cutting-edge products and equipment in the field of dental prosthetics, offering not only high-quality materials but also assistance and...

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